10 Essential Baby Furniture Features and Safety Tips for New Parents

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Planning for the appearance of another child is a thrilling and overpowering time for hopeful guardians. Among the numerous choices to be made, picking the right child furniture is vital to making a protected, comfortable, and practical nursery. This complete guide will assist you with exploring the fundamental bits of child furniture you want, their highlights, and ways to pursue the best decisions for your developing family.

1. Crib

Types of Cribs

Standard Crib: The most well-known type, a standard crib gives your child a protected dozing space. It generally incorporates customizable bedding levels to accommodate your developing child.

Convertible crib: These cribs convert into little child beds, daybeds, and, in some cases, even regular beds, offering long haul use.

Portable crib:Also known as travel cribs, these are lightweight and can be handily collapsed for transport, making them ideal for families in a hurry.

Mini Crib: These cribs are smaller than standard cribs. Mini cribs are ideal for restricted spaces and can frequently be moved from one space to another.

To make sure your kid has a secure and comfy place to sleep, Craft Child makes a terrific crib option.

Safety Tips

  • Ensure the crib fulfills the most recent security guidelines set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
  • Pick a mattress that is firm and fits snugly. 
  • Don’t choose drop-side cribs, which have been prohibited because of security concerns.
  • Keep the crib free from cushions, covers, and squishy toys to decrease the risk of sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

2. Mattress

An excellent crib mattress is as significant as the actual crib. Search for a supportive mattress that fits cozily in the crib, leaving no extra space. 

There are two primary sorts of crib mattresses:

Foam Mattress: lightweight and affordable. These Mattresses are easy to move, handle, and clean

Innerspring Mattress: These mattresses offer more durability and support, but they are typically heavier and more expensive.

3. Dresser

A dresser gives fundamental capacity to your child’s garments, covers, and different necessities. 

While picking a dresser:

  • Make sure it is strong and equipped with safety measures like anti-tip hardware.
  • Pick a dresser with profound drawers to boost extra room.
  • Think about a dresser that serves as a changing table for added usefulness.

4. Changing Table

A changing table offers a dedicated space for diaper changes, keeping all vital things reachable. 

There are a couple of choices to consider:

Standalone Changing Tables: These have built-in storage drawers or shelves.

Dresser with Changing Topper: A dresser with a removable changing clincher can act as a changing table during the earliest stages and a standard dresser later on.

Changing Pad: For those with restricted space, a changing pad on top of a dresser or other tough surface can do the trick.

Safety Tips

  • Always utilize the safety belts provided by changing tables or pads.
  • Keep one hand on your child consistently to forestall falls.
  • Store diapers, wipes, and creams within easy reach yet out of the child’s scope.

5. Rocking Chair or Glider

For feeding and calming your infant, you must have a cozy rocking chair or glider. These seats provide a delicate movement that can assist with quieting your child and taking care of time 

more agreeable for you. While choosing a rocking chair or glider:

Test the seat for solace and backing.

Search for one with cushioned armrests and a comfortable pad.

Consider a seat with a lock system to keep it fixed when required.

6. Bassinet

A bassinet provides a comfortable, compact dozing space for infants and is often utilized during the initial few months. The advantages of a bassinet include:

Versatility: Numerous bassinets are lightweight and have wheels, making it simple to move from one space to another.

Conservative Size: Bassinets occupy less room than cribs, making them ideal for more modest rooms.

Nearness: Keeping the child close around evening time can make evening feedings more advantageous.

7. Nursery Storage Solutions

Keeping the nursery coordinated is vital to keeping a practical and mess free space. Some helpful stockpiling arrangements include:

Shelves: For putting away books, toys, and brightening things.

Capacity Receptacles and Bushels: Ideal for arranging more modest things like toys, garments, and child supplies.

Storage room Coordinators: Expand storeroom space with hanging coordinators, retires, and containers.

8. High Chair

A high chair will become fundamental when your child begins eating strong food sources close to a half year old. Features to search for in a high seat include:

Safety Tackle: A five-point harness is prescribed to keep your child secure.

Flexible Elements: Level, leaning back positions, and ottoman customizability can upgrade solace and convenience.

Simplicity of Cleaning: Search for a high chair with removable, launderable covers and a plate.

9. Baby Monitor

A child screen assists you with keeping an eye (or ear) on your child while they rest, giving you genuine serenity. There are a few sorts of child screens to look over:

Sound Screens: These give sound-just observing.

Video Screens: Outfitted with cameras, these permit you to see and hear your child.

Savvy Screens: These frequently accompany extra highlights, for example, development sensors, temperature observing, and cell phone networks.

10. Play Yard

A play yard, otherwise called a playpen, offers a protected, encased space for your child to play and rest. Many play yards are convenient and come with extra highlights like changing stations and capacity pockets. They are particularly valuable for movement or seeing loved ones.


Picking the right child furniture is a significant piece of planning for your fresh introduction. By focusing on fundamental pieces like a crib, mattress, dresser, changing table, rocking chair, bassinet, storage solutions, high chair, baby monitor, and play yard, you can make a nursery that is protected, comfortable, and practical. Make sure to focus on security, quality, and life span to guarantee that your child’s furniture will work well for your family as your child develops. Blissful nurturing!


Dusty is the owner and editor of As Mom Sees It, a product review and family matters blog. She is the mother of two in Ohio and has partnered with companies like Nike, Verizon, Kingston Technology. You can find her on Twitter at @AsMomSeesIt.