Why Wearable Pumps are not just for Working Moms

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  • Post last modified:January 1, 2025
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Everyone’s talking about how wearable breast pumps are a game-changer for working moms but that doesn’t mean that only working women benefit from them. These pumps offer several benefits and make pumping easier and more convenient, regardless of your work situation. Furthermore, for moms with multiple little ones, a wearable pump makes it easier to look after babies while simultaneously caring for toddlers and older kids. 

Why Every Mom Needs a Wearable Pump 

Earlier, women had limited choices for breast pumps and electric pumps meant that you either had to lug around a heavy battery or stay plugged into a power outlet for the duration of your pumping session. Wearable pumps allow you to continue with your day with minimal inconvenience and make pumping a lot easier. However, not all wearable pumps are equally good, and manufacturers often advertise their product so that it seems perfect for your needs. However, a review by independent experts of the top wearable breast pumps will allow you to compare the pros and cons of each product so that you can find one that is best suited to your needs. For instance, some wearable breast pumps are louder than others which is fine if you intend to do most of your pumping at home but if you intend to use it while you are out, you might be self-conscious about the audible hum and would want something more discrete. Here are a few reasons why every mom should invest in a wearable breast pump: 

1. Freedom of Movement 

The days when you had to be tethered to an outlet or bulky battery are in the past! Wearable breast pumps fit snugly into your bra so you can express milk while going about your day. With conventional pumps, moms are forced to plan their daily schedule around their pumping sessions, but wearable pumps give you complete freedom of movement. You can use a wearable breast pump while doing household chores, looking after your older kids, and even while exercising. 

2. Saves Time 

Wearable pumps allow simultaneous pumping which saves a lot of time. With a single pump, you will need approximately 15 minutes for each breast so a wearable pump will reduce that by half. Considering that most moms need to pump every two to three hours, this drastically cuts back on pumping time. Studies found that using a wearable breast pump reduces the duration of lactation sessions – you can use the additional free time to take a short break and relax for a few minutes. 

3. Comfort 

Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience and helps to strengthen the bond between you and your baby. However, many doctors downplay the negative side of breastfeeding which is the pain. Research shows that over ninety percent of women experience pain during breastfeeding at some point. The pain is not limited to breastfeeding but also extended to pumping. One of the main reasons for this is that conventional breast pumps have hard plastic flanges that can irritate your skin. These pumps also have limited suction settings so even if you try to adjust the setting, it may be too little or too much. Wearable breast pumps have soft silicone flanges that do not irritate your skin and most of these pumps also have an app that allows you to customize the settings to what works best for you.  

4. Discrete 

One of the main reasons why wearable breast pumps have become so popular with working moms is because of their discretion. They are shaped to match our natural contours, and many are so silent that moms can pump while continuing to work. This discretion is also great if you’re not a working mom but a mom who needs to pump while wrangling older children, running errands, or meeting relatives and friends.   

5. Easy to Clean 

Conventional pumps have several different parts including tubing that needs to be cleaned thoroughly with a special thin brush. Considering that you need to clean your breast pump after every use, you can imagine the time and effort that goes just in cleaning your pump after each pumping session. Wearable breast pumps have fewer parts compared to conventional pumps and many, if not all, of these parts are dishwasher-safe in the top rack. This makes cleaning your pump a cinch. Even if you are cleaning your pump by hand, it’s far easier compared to conventional pumps since wearable pumps have non-porous surfaces which prevents milk residue from sticking to it and making it easier to clean.

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Dusty is the owner and editor of As Mom Sees It, a product review and family matters blog. She is the mother of two in Ohio and has partnered with companies like Nike, Verizon, Kingston Technology. You can find her on Twitter at @AsMomSeesIt.